coldrain こーるどれいん 芸能人TOP 記事 作品 ランキング情報 TV出演 ドラマ出演 CM出演 歌詞 音楽配信 coldrainの歌詞 並び替え 新着順 曲名順 31〜52/52件 前へ 1 2 タイトル 歌い出し Next To You we're hanging by a thread with nothing left to say No Escape カプコン「バイオハザード オペレーション・ラクーンシティ」CMソング there is a weight on my shoulders HEART OF THE YOUNG I remember this boy in my head Behind The Curtain you live your life preying the sheep Believe The pressure FIRE IN THE SKY we've all been beaten and broken FEED THE FIRE you think we're different? Falling Forever you talk shit like you know it all BREATHE you say you know best PRETTY LITTLE LIAR with a porcelain innocence BURY ME in an endless spiral Persona trapped in a place with no sunlight WHOLE I knew that this would happen right from the start BORN TO BLEED Is it over now? Miss you I'm lying here on a bed my eyes are closed but I'm awake RUNAWAY feat.Jacoby Shaddix time and time again R.I.P. take a bow and rest in peace REVOLUTION バンダイナムコアミューズメント社ゲーム「機動戦士ガンダム エクストリームバーサス2」タイアップ・ソング thinking out loud I see no solution LOST IN FAITH It's a shame we never learn WRONG it always seems to be the same VENA suffocating while I'm still breathing Voiceless we are the servants of mass deception 31〜52/52件 前へ 1 2 この芸能人のトップへ