ドラマ&映画 カテゴリ

GOTHAM and all pre-existing characters and elements TM and (C) DC Comics. Gotham series and all related new characters and elements TM and (C) Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved. (1/2枚)

  • GOTHAM and all pre-existing characters and elements TM and (C) DC Comics. Gotham series and all related new characters and elements TM and (C) Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved. GOTHAM and all pre-existing characters and elements TM and (C) DC Comics. Gotham series and all related new characters and elements TM and (C) Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ダークナイト誕生前夜を描く海外ドラマ『ゴッサム』 メインキャストが来日


